About us

Remarkable hospitality

is our mission: to us, every guest is a precious gift, and we show our gratitude by going the extra mile.

We are open-minded and look up to the whole world as our teachers. We bring cosmopolitan knowledge and experience to the local community, which in turn we proudly open to the world.

We welcome our valued guests with open arms at all of our many locations, where they can indulge in top-notch cuisine, well-being, and culture with added value.

We are inspired by the good and beautiful, so we like to create such stories ourselves, which further serve to inspire many others.

Since we believe in the power of connection and cooperation, we are building a strong community of genuine, passionate individuals that can turn even an ordinary moment into a memorable experience.

We understand even the tiniest of victories require a great deal of effort, which is why we are always ready to celebrate your victories and ours with something extraordinary.

A diverse world of remarkable hospitality.

Revitalizacija blagovne hiše “KVIK”

- 2006 -

Revitalization of the KVIK department store

Opening of the Galerija Gosposka shopping centre and the Rožmarin Restaurant

Nakup in pričetek postopne revitalizacije

- 2012 -

Purchase and gradual revitalization of two old-town houses at Koroška cesta 2 and 4. Start of development of innovative tourist products and services.

Under the protection of cultural heritage and the beginning of the creation of innovative tourist products and services

Nakup stoletnega Žičkega dvora na Lentu

- 2014 -

Purchase of the century-old mansion Žički dvor at Lent

Beginning of gradual renovation

Otvoritev La Pizzerie

- 2015 -

Opening of La Pizzeria

Nakup staromeščanske zgradbe na Vojaškem trgu 8

- 2016 -

Purchase an old town building at
Vojaški trg 8

(The Hotel Maribor, Garden Rooms)

Otvoritev Steakhouse Rožmarin

- 2016 -

Opening of the Steakhouse Rožmarin

Steletovo priznanje za leto 2016 Saši
                                    Arsenoviču za obnovo kulturnih spomenikov in velik prispevek k revitalizaciji
                                    starega mestnega jedra Maribora

- 2017 -

Stelet award for 2016 to Saša Arsenovič for the restoration of cultural monuments and a great contribution to the revitalization of the old town of Maribor

Kvik department store (EŠD 7543); Kvik department store (EŠD 7543); Žički dvor (EŠD 6243) and houses at Vojašniški trg 8 (EŠD 6247)

Otvoritev Hotela Maribor, City Apartments
                                        in Gostilne Maribor

- 2017 -

Opening of Hotel Maribor, City Apartments and Gostilna Maribor

Otvoritev Garden Rooms, Hotela Maribor
                                    na Vojašniškem trgu 8

- 2018 -

Opening of Garden Rooms, at Hotel Maribor at Vojašniški trg 8

Nakup objekta na Vojašniškem trgu

- 2018 -

Purchase of a facility on Vojaški trg "Old radio"

Zasaditev cepiča Stare trte na vrtu Hotela
                                    Maribor, Garden Rooms

- 2019 -

Planting of the Old Vine graft in the garden of Hotel Maribor, Garden Rooms

Rožmarinovih 13 - Osvežitev Restavracije
                                        Rožmarin ob 13. obletnici

- 2019 -

Rožmarinovih 13 – Renovation of the Rožmarin Restaurant on the occasion of the 13th anniversary

Obsežnejša obnova
                                    Žičkega dvora

- 2019 / 2020 -

Extensive renovation of Žički dvor

Na Glavnem Trgu zaživi Poper.

- 2021 -

Poper opens in the main square.

Nakup in pričetek postopne revitalizacije

- 2012 -

Purchase and gradual revitalization of two old-town houses at Koroška cesta 2 and 4. Start of development of innovative tourist products and services.

Under the protection of cultural heritage and the beginning of the creation of innovative tourist products and services

Otvoritev La Pizzerie

- 2015 -

Opening of La Pizzeria

Otvoritev Steakhouse Rožmarin

- 2016 -

Opening of the Steakhouse Rožmarin

Otvoritev Hotela Maribor, City Apartments
                                    in Gostilne Maribor

- 2017 -

Opening of Hotel Maribor, City Apartments and Gostilna Maribor

Nakup objekta na Vojašniškem trgu

- 2018 -

Purchase of a facility on Vojaški trg "Old radio"

Rožmarinovih 13 - Osvežitev Restavracije
                                    Rožmarin ob 13. obletnici

- 2019 -

Rožmarinovih 13 – Renovation of the Rožmarin Restaurant on the occasion of the 13th anniversary

Rožmarinovih 13 - Osvežitev Restavracije
                                    Rožmarin ob 13. obletnici

- 2021 -

Poper opens in the main square.



We are creating a world of diverse and exceptional hospitality for all occasions within a walking distance.



Guests are our one and only focus, and we make sure they always have a reason to return.



To be a complete ecosystem of exceptional hospitality that joins the local milieu and the world, thereby lifting spirits, elevating the knowledge, and offering an inspiring experience to everyone through every contact made.

Spoznajte našo zgodbo

About us

We are a development and sustainability-oriented company with a 15-year tradition, which brings trends and services at the highest level of quality through various gastronomic, accommodation and cultural contents.

With the renovation of old decaying buildings, we have revived many architectural treasures in the city centre, to which we have given new life with revitalization and thoughtful contents.


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